Likewise, says Mark C. Jacobson, MD, an expert in allergy and immunology and the medical director of Allergy and Asthma Physicians in Hinsdale, Illinois, and a past president of the Illinois Society of Allergy, Asthma, and Immunology, allergies occur when a portion of your immune system overreacts after exposure to antigens such as pollen from trees, grass, ragweed, and weeds, and mold from various sources such as decaying plants and leaves in the environment.

Rheumatoid Arthritis Symptoms Versus Seasonal Allergy Symptoms

Because your body senses these antigens (allergens) as foreign and a threat, your body produces IgE antibodies against them. The IgE antibodies are attached to cells in the body called mast cells. Mast cells are found in many places throughout the body such as your nose, your lungs, and your skin. The IgE antibodies on the mast cells capture the relevant antigens which then send a signal to the mast cell to release its contents, including histamine and other allergic mediators. Your mast cells release various chemicals, including histamines, causing the exposed mucous membranes in your eyes, nose, and sinuses to become itchy, red, and swollen. Seasonal allergies are generally not life-threatening, Dr. Jacobson says, but they can make you uncomfortable, causing symptoms such as sneezing, stuffiness, a runny nose, and itchiness in your nose, the roof of your mouth, throat, eyes, or ears. But if you do have RA and seasonal allergies, what can you do to treat those cold-like symptoms? Jacobson says his recommendations are the same regardless of whether or not you have RA. Start by minimizing your exposure to airborne allergens. Try to:

Keep your windows closed. “This prevents pollens from drifting into your home,” Jacobson says. Run the air conditioner instead.Keep humidity between 30 and 45 percent to reduce mold.Minimize early morning activity when pollen levels are at their highest, between 5 and 10 a.m.Keep your car windows closed when driving.Stay indoors on windy days when pollen is likely to be present in higher amounts in the air.Take a vacation during the height of the pollen season to a more pollen-free area, such as the beach or an ocean cruise.Avoid yard work, or wear a mask or bandanna over your nose and mouth when working outside.Use a clothes dryer to machine-dry bedding and clothing, instead of hanging clothes on a clothesline, which can cause laundry to become coated with pollen.Wash your hair in the evening before bedtime to avoid getting pollen on your pillow.

Avoiding Allergens While Dealing With COVID-19 Concerns

Some of the measures you’ve been taking to reduce exposure to the novel coronavirus may also help you limit your exposure to some allergens while also making others more problematic, says Jacobson. “A properly worn mask could in theory help reduce the amount of allergen exposure as long as it is well-fitting and the pore size is small enough to filter out the smallest particles,” Jacobson says. Allergens are measured in microns; some allergens like cat dander can be less than 3 microns. The COVID-19 virus is measured in nanometers; there are 1,000 nanometers in a micrometer. Wearing a mask to protect yourself from transmitting or contracting COVID-19 or from others can “potentially reduce your exposure to airborne allergens such as pollen and mold,” he says. Spending more time outdoors and keeping windows open may increase your exposure to allergens such as pollen or mold. “During the pandemic we have all had to make choices and weigh the benefits and risks of those choices,” Jacobson says. “Providing good ventilation and airflow in indoor spaces has been shown to be helpful in reducing the spread of the virus, compared with being in closed off indoor spaces. Therefore, even if having the windows open may lead to a period of time of increased allergen exposure it would be worth it in my opinion if it helped you to avoid getting COVID at the time.” Similarly, working from home may put you in closer contact with a potentially musty or moldy basement or crawl space, as well as potentially allergenic pets whose dander may trigger allergic reactions, says Jacobson.

Make Sure Your Mask Is Working Well

Be sure to wear clean masks. “Masks can decrease pollen exposure through the mouth and nose, but patients can still be exposed through eyes and skin,” says Juan J. Maya-Villamizar, MD, a rheumatologist and the medical director of Rheumatology Center of Palm Beach in Florida. “A mask’s performance is affected by how long it is used. KN95, KN94, and N95 masks cannot be washed, so it is recommended to use a new one every two to three days. If masks are dirty, wet, or damaged, they should be replaced as soon as possible. Some people with seasonal allergies might benefit from replacing their masks more often since allergens can remain on the surface of the mask. Also, if masks are not frequently washed or exchanged, some of the allergens can stay on their surface and trigger an allergic response.”

Symptoms of COVID-19 Versus Symptoms of Seasonal Allergies

Both COVID-19 and allergies may make you feel bad. “Symptoms which both allergies and COVID-19 can have in common include cough, fatigue, headache, sore throat, congestion, or a runny nose,” Jacobson says. “An illness like COVID-19 causes a system-wide response, while an allergy is usually more localized.” People with the novel coronavirus may also have a fever, body aches, chills, weakness, and respiratory symptoms, while someone with allergies will typically have symptoms centered on the nose, eyes, and throat, usually without a fever. “If you are fatigued with allergies, you will most likely also have other symptoms, such as sneezing, runny nose, itchy and watery eyes, and post-nasal drip. You would not expect to have these symptoms with RA unless you also have allergies. In either case, some of the fatigue may also be related to poor sleep or stress,” Jacobson says. “People with a COVID infection will rarely have itchiness; their cough doesn’t require a trigger, and they tend to have a fever,” says Dr. Maya-Villamizar, who is a medical advisor to CreakyJoints. Reach out to your healthcare provider for confirmation on whether your symptoms indicate you are experiencing COVID-19 or allergies. RELATED: Allergies or COVID-19? Here’s How to Tell the Difference

Rheumatoid Arthritis Medications and Over-the-Counter Allergy Treatments 

Several over-the-counter antihistamines, decongestants, or nasal sprays are available to treat your hay fever symptoms, but if you have RA, you should consult with your doctor or pharmacist first. It’s especially important that you coordinate your medications if you’re being treated for other conditions such as depression, sleep problems, or anxiety, as these medications may have sedative effects (though decongestants can cause insomnia). You could also risk having dangerous drug interactions. Immunotherapy is being used more frequently for seasonal allergies, but currently it is not recommended for RA patients since it can worsen autoimmune diseases, according to Maya-Villamizar. Always consult with your doctor first, Jacobson says. Also, don’t confuse or interchange your hay fever medications with the medications that treat your rheumatoid arthritis symptoms such as joint pain. Your doctor may suggest that you use a corticosteroid nasal spray to treat seasonal allergies, but that doesn’t replace the corticosteroid pill that your doctor prescribed to reduce inflammation from arthritis. The corticosteroid in the nasal spray is minimally absorbed into the bloodstream, so it will have little effect on your system. Abruptly stopping your oral corticosteroid treatment could potentially cause serious health problems.

Seek Medical Treatment for Seasonal Allergies When Needed

If you continue to experience symptoms related to seasonal allergies, limit your exposure to pollen and mold in the air and talk to an allergist about the treatment that’s best for you. This may include prescription medication or allergy shots, which are designed to desensitize you to the relevant allergies. Go to the website of the American Academy of Allergy, Asthma, and Immunology to locate an allergist in your area.