Knowing this, it’s not surprising that ways to take care of your emotional health are some of the most liked and searched-for tips on Tippi RA, a tool from Everyday Health where people with RA, healthcare professionals, and caregivers can share advice. Read on for the best ways to boost your emotional health, courtesy of Tippi RA. The connection to your emotions runs deeper too. Depression is common in people with RA, and evidence published in May 2019 in the journal Current Opinion in Rheumatology suggests that inflammation, which is found in both RA and depression, may be partly responsible. Fortunately, plenty of people who have RA have found effective ways to manage their stress and other negative emotions. Here are some tips that work for them — and may work for you.

Build a Support Network

Surrounding yourself with close friends and family as an emotional support system not only makes life more meaningful but can also make it easier to live with RA. One way to do this is to grow your network by meeting other people who have RA, which can remind you that you’re not alone. Check out Tippi RA for more great tips like these and to share stress-busting skills that work for you.