Here are 10 common habits that can harm your health, and what to do instead:

1. Never Exercising

“If you aren’t active, you’ll eventually become out of shape — something that, over time, can make even normal daily activities harder to do,” says MeiLan K. Han, MD, national spokesperson for the American Lung Association and a professor of internal medicine in the division of pulmonary and critical care medicine at the University of Michigan Health System in Ann Arbor. A study published in January 2019 in the International Journal of Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease found that regular physical activity among COPD patients results in long-term clinical benefits and healthcare cost savings. Conversely, a study published in March 2017 in the journal Respiratory Care linked sedentary behavior with increased risk of mortality in people with COPD. Another reason to work out: Exercise can help alleviate the symptoms of depression in people with COPD, according to a study published in December 2016 in the journal African Health Sciences.

2. Eating a Lot of Junk Food

Eating too much high-calorie food can contribute to obesity and worsen people’s ability to breathe and exercise, according to Dr. Han. Plus, junk food is often high in sodium, which can cause you to retain fluids — something that could lead to congestion and make it harder for you to breathe, says E. Neil Schachter, MD, a pulmonologist and sleep medicine specialist at Mount Sinai Hospital in New York City.

3. Having an Erratic Sleep Schedule

Everyone needs quality shut-eye, but this is especially true for people with COPD, who need to keep their immune systems as healthy as possible, Han says. Unfortunately, COPD patients often experience a range of sleep disturbances. According to the COPD Foundation, for example, sleep apnea, a condition in which a person’s breathing becomes shallow or stops during sleep, occurs in 10 to 15 percent of COPD patients. People who suffer from sleep apnea should talk to their doctor about lifestyle changes and treatments that can help. Staying up late some nights can throw off your body clock and make it difficult for you to get the sleep you need. Going to bed and waking up at the same time every day can help you stick to your sleep schedule.

4. Leaving Your Oxygen at Home When You Go Out

For people with low resting saturations who need oxygen, going without oxygen puts excess strain on the heart, Han says. If your doctor has given you a prescription for a delivery system for supplemental oxygen that keeps you mobile, Medicare is required to provide the equipment, according to the COPD Foundation.

5. Overexerting Yourself

Moderate exercise can improve the body’s use of oxygen, muscle strength, energy levels, mood, and sleep patterns, according to the American Lung Association. Still, going overboard can be dangerous and cause exacerbations, Dr. Schachter says. “People with COPD have lower exercise thresholds — they can’t exercise to high degrees," he says. “But regular, mild exercise three or four times a week is vital.” The American Lung Association recommends pulmonary rehabilitation, stretching, aerobic exercise, and resistance training.

6. Never Dusting

Dust is a lung irritant, one that can worsen COPD. You should also avoid secondhand smoke and fumes from paint or other household chemicals. If you’re not able to clean your house regularly, you may want to find someone who can help you. People with COPD also should avoid using a fireplace or wood-burning stove.

7. Drinking Soda

Not only can drinking soda cause you to gain weight, but the beverage itself also contains carbonation, which can cause your stomach to swell up. “When your stomach swells, it pushes up against your diaphragm, making it harder for you to breathe,” Schachter says. Choose healthier alternatives, and be sure to stay hydrated.

8. Consuming Too Much Caffeine

Drinks such as coffee and tea and foods like chocolate all contain caffeine, a stimulant that can prevent you from falling asleep. If you’re drinking or eating caffeine, stop by early afternoon, Schachter says. The good news is that research, like one study published in September 2015 in the Pulmonology Journal, has not found a significant correlation between caffeine use and COPD exacerbations.

9. Letting Yourself Get Dehydrated

Without enough water, your mucus can become thick and stick to your lungs, adding to your breathing problems. Remember that drinks containing caffeine and alcoholic beverages can dehydrate you. The best drinks for staying hydrated include water, decaffeinated coffee or tea, and natural fruit juices.

10. Constantly Being Stressed Out

Dealing with a chronic lung condition can be stressful on its own; add in work duties and family obligations, and you might find that you’re feeling overly stressed or angry. Consider joining a support group, which can make you feel less lonely, allow you to vent your feelings, and teach you better ways to cope with certain situations. You might also want to ask your doctor if you should seek counseling.